Conserving on heat, power and water is not only beneficial for the environment but can also lead to lower utility bills for your residence. Here are some practical tips to help reduce utility consumptions:

To Lower Water Bills:

  1. Report Water Leaks

    • Notify DPM promptly about any water leaks in and around your residence.
  2. Address Dripping Faucets

    • Report water dripping under sinks to prevent unnecessary water waste.
  3. Fix Running Toilets

    • Running toilets can waste a significant amount of water. Report any toilet malfunctions promptly.
  4. Standing Water

    • Notify us about standing pools of water to address potential leaks.
  5. Appliance Maintenance

    • Report any issues with water appliances like dishwashers and washing machines provided with the property.
  6. Efficient Dishwashing

    • Run the dishwasher only when it is fully loaded to maximize water usage efficiency.
  7. Check Washing Machine Hoses

    • Regularly inspect water hoses on washing machines for leaks.
  8. Adjust Water Level

    • Match the water level to the load when using washing machines, using less water for smaller loads.
  9. Proper Waste Disposal

    • Avoid using toilets to dispose of ordinary trash to prevent unnecessary flushing.
  10. Shorter Showers

    • Take shorter showers to reduce overall water consumption.
  11. Conscious Grooming Habits

    • Avoid letting the water continually run while shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing your face.
  12. Water Heater Temperature

    • Ensure your water heater temperature is set properly, not exceeding 50 degrees Celsius. Avoid setting it to "hi" or "high," as this poses a safety risk.
  13. Educate Children

    • Counsel children on responsible water usage to instill good habits.
  14. Landscaping

    • Avoid overwatering landscaping, as it is not healthy for plants and leads to unnecessary water waste.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you contribute to water conservation efforts, reduce your environmental impact, and may enjoy lower utility bills. If you observe any issues or have concerns about water usage, please inform DPM promptly.

To effectively reduce heating bills and promote energy efficiency in your residence, consider the following tips:

To Lower Heating Bills:

  1. Keep Windows and Doors Closed

    • During cooler months, ensure all windows and doors are tightly closed to retain heat.
  2. Address Drafts

    • Report any major drafts to the us to maintain optimal insulation.
  3. Optimal Heating Levels

    • Use a "reasonable" level of heat in the residence. Even a slight reduction in temperature can lead to energy savings.
  4. Nighttime Temperature Adjustment

    • Turn down the heat during the night and use warm covers and comforters for added warmth.
  5. Thermostat Adjustment When Away

    • When leaving home, lower the temperature on the thermostat. However, avoid turning the heat completely off to prevent potential freezing of pipes.
  6. Fireplace Usage

    • If your residence has a fireplace, close the damper when not in use. Remember to open it before starting a fire.
  7. Furnace Filter Maintenance

    • Regularly replace the furnace filter, at least every three months. A clean filter contributes to the efficient operation of the furnace.

These simple practices can make a significant difference in lowering heating bills and enhancing energy conservation. If you have any concerns or notice issues related to heating efficiency, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

To optimize energy efficiency and reduce air-conditioning bills, consider the following tips:

To Lower Air-Conditioning Bills:

  1. Early Closure of Windows and Doors

    • During warm or hot months, close windows and doors early in the day to "keep cool air in," especially when the air-conditioner is running.
  2. Strategic Use of Window Coverings

    • Close window coverings on the sunny side of the house during different times of the day to significantly lower the indoor temperature.
  3. Regular Air Filter Replacement

    • Replace the air filter regularly with the correct size, at least every three months (monthly if using inexpensive filters). A clean filter enhances the efficiency of the air-conditioning unit.
  4. Temperature Adjustment When Leaving

    • When leaving your residence, increase the thermostat setting by a few degrees. A closed house without activity tends to stay cooler, especially when going on vacation.
  5. Moderate Cooling During Absence

    • Avoid keeping the residence excessively cool while away. It's unnecessary and may lead to higher energy consumption. However, on very hot days, refrain from turning the air-conditioner off completely, as it will take longer and more energy to cool down upon your return.

Implementing these practices will contribute to a more energy-efficient home and help lower air-conditioning costs. If you have any concerns or need further guidance on optimizing your air-conditioning system, feel free to reach out for assistance.